Developer Resources



Suppose you are running an online shopping website and you know that everyone who will be visiting your website is not your customer. They can be a visitor or a genuine buyer. You never know until the order gets placed. Due to the competitors in the market, it's very...

Taekwondo Karate: Kung Fu Street Fighting

Taekwondo Karate: Kung Fu Street Fighting

After coming across this popular Taekwondo Karate: Kung Fu Street Fighting game developed by Digibot Gaming Studios, I was primarily obsessed by the game features. I’ve finally had good time to dive into the game after a lot of analysis, and I have to surely admit...

Dungeon iDoll

Dungeon iDoll

Role playing games are the trend in today’s gaming market. One of the stereotypes of role playing games is that it induces players who are socially awkward to come out and expose their alternate selves. Playing these games promotes social skills, teamwork and...

How to start a career in cyber security

How to start a career in cyber security

For finding career in cyber security, I would rather like to take a breather and not have to worry about solving more career options at the moment there’s plenty of that in so it actually happened to catch my eye a few days ago with Cyber security. Let us find ways...

Baby Panda’s Supermarket

Baby Panda’s Supermarket

Mommy Panda and Kiki Panda have a day of shopping ahead of them. Help them to do shopping in the Baby Panda’s Supermarket. The two pandas need to shop for their much awaited summer vacation holiday and need to buy ice-cold drinks, birthday cake, toys, watermelon,...

A brain training game with head to heads and tournaments.

A brain training game with head to heads and tournaments.

Brain training games are great and, I think, we could all benefit from using them for a short session each day. One thing a lot of them lack is a competitive aspect. How good is your memory versus other people, for example? With MoneyBall – available on iOS and...

The Music School Is Now In Your Pockets with Solfej

The Music School Is Now In Your Pockets with Solfej

You might want to become a legend in music or even aspire for more. You can be a great singer, a guitarist or love playing pianos at birthday parties. You might be a beginner or a pro; if you have the desire to perfect your music skills then you have a lot of options....

An action-packed solitaire adventure across time & space.

An action-packed solitaire adventure across time & space.

From the Wild West to the depths of Atlantis – ever wondered what those places looked like? In Solitaire Time Warps, available to download on iOS and Google Play, you can visit them (and many more wonderful locations) on an epic solitaire adventure. You have a time...