Wealth Words – WebApp Review

by Jun 5, 2017Web Applications0 comments

People are searching for websites to get relaxing and play any game, that’s the propose of Wealth Words but besides playing people may earn money, this article is a review this tenacious app that brings to gamers a new experience of puzzle gaming with the surplus of win cash.

Firstly it’s necessary to make a review of the interface of Wealth Words web page for later start talking the ways of use of this app. Well, the initial web tab shows a modern interface with a modern and purple design, this initial part shows several charts with useless information for visitors. The first charts row exposes a promotional add of the game that say, “Free Game 30” and offers a prize tool of $150 dollars, then in the same row visitor can watch a video that explains the reason why start playing Wealth Words, the reasons are:

– Easy connectivity

– Gameplay at any devices and Operative Systems

– Worldwide gaming

– Cash prizes

Next to video there is a chart that offers game tokens to start playing, the price per token is $2, but people can purchase more tokens for low prices, then in the same row the web page offer to visitor a free play to try the gaming service. At the second row, visitors watch an add with the message “Win Cash!”, this add redirect to the trial free game of the first row, next to this promotional advice people can start playing Wealth Words game with the same free trial, then people watch again the first promotional add of “Free Game 30” and finally the web page show’s another video that explains how people can login, play and earn money with www.wealthwords.com. At the last row, the future gamers can search about the company by a chart that expose information of webpage and the last chart show a promotion message for possible clients that said, “June 1 to June 4 WealthWords games will be free to play” -Wealth Words Team-.

The last review was of the homepage, this part will describe the facts of the company that contains the “About” tab. The first information that people view at this part is the game Overview, it means the way of playing, this overview explains how to play this puzzle game and some tips to win the round with other people, the instructions are:

– Thing about the letter that is hidden to complete the word.

– Submit the selected word (there are unlimited opportunities)

– Read carefully clues after tipping the hidden letter in the blank space.

– Submit answers before the one hour limit.

With this instructions people understand the gaming way and can start playing now. Below the Overview, the webpage shows how people can login to company´s data base and start playing the games, but before play, gamers must acquire game tokens to play. Below this Login Information, Wealth Words explains how people can purchase tokens and how they will get payed. First the future gamers must use a credit card or a PayPal account to pay the game tokens then they can start playing. When a gamer earns money, they will get payed in USD dollars, unique and exclusively in USD dollars. The company who made the payments is called Greenpark Limited, who will transfer the money to a PayPal account. With this information, to receive the payment people must create a PayPal account. Below this Payment Information, the company explains the prizes of the game that are dived in two divisions.

– Division 1: Awarded those players that submit 20 correct answers for the 20 clues.

– Division 2: Award those players that submit the most correct answers, but not the 20, the players who submit 15 correct answers will win the division 2.

With these divisions, players know how many correct answers are needed to win one of the two prizes, but a player only may win one division, not the two divisions. At the last part of this web tab the company offer another way of gamming that is called Super World Puzzle, that offers bigger prices than the regular puzzles, the characteristics of this gameplay is that is only one division and to win this division players must have submitted 25 correct answers.

The last web tab are the rules of the game that expose the time limits that is one hour of play gaming, the “Playing and Submitting Puzzles”, that expose the general rules for the players and finally the puzzle results.


– Excellent digital interface

– Easy to use.

– Fascinating puzzle gameplay.

– Easy way to earn money.

– Explicit game rules.

– Payment facilities.

– Facebook login.


– Need more promotion adds to attract more players.

– Need one gameplay video to show people real time gameplay.

– To be possible, diversify this puzzle game in more ways to play.


Wealth Words is a great app that entertains people, offering them a motivation to play, money. The gameplay has a great interface making a great experience for players, besides, vinculation are very easy, specially by the payments facilities. It’s necessary to improve the promotional ways for the site, adding this the website can link more players that are interested to spend a pleasant moment and earning money with the company.

Worth Having App – Wealth Words Here