Simple Habit for iPhone

by Jun 23, 2016iPhone App Reviews0 comments

A mindfulness app called Simple Habit for iPhone providing audio meditations as short as five-minutes so that busy people could actively squeeze a little tranquility into their day.

The app provides a basic wheel of audio-guided five-minute meditations for specific scenarios, like having a hard day or requiring to get a good night’s sleep, along with total library of mindfulness content uploaded by the teachers on their qualitative platform. They are actually divided into topics like stress, personal growth, kindness, relationships and work.

Simple Habit for iPhone

The content here could be longer. It could also be filtered by teacher should you like to listen to the same voice. The app has around 10,000 users at this present professionally garnering some early successful eyeballs after being featured by Apple on the App Store this month.

It is enumerated that Simple Habit is the first mindfulness app to apply a Netflix/Spotify style model to the space. The app is having more multiple number teachers providing meditation content within the app. The key idea is being to prevent the content from becoming stale over time and thus keeping people renewing their valuable subscriptions.

Moreover this popular app Simple Habit is also differentiating by providing even more bite-sized guided meditations. With its five-minute format focused at enabling the widest range of busy people to be able to find actively space for it in their schedule. Meditation is better than not doing it all and five minutes a day might also encourage a person to build out a more sustained habit over period of time.

Simple Habit for iPhone

Generally people don’t have much time to meditate. So this app would make it super simple for them to get started and could mediate whatever they are doing like right before a presentation, crucial interviews, etc. By this it is possible to attract a lot of busy young professionals. They also have meditations for entrepreneurs, lawyers, college students in the work session.