KiteBoard – The Digital Bulletin Board

by Oct 20, 2021Android App Reviews0 comments

At home, we leave tasks or notes on the refrigerator to convey information to kids or others. How about you have a digital bulletin board? That sounds quite interesting, right? Yes, with the era of technology, we can see our children spending most of the time in the mobile or tablets. This app aims in making children do good deeds by serving as a digital bulletin board. 

Offered by Dmytro Kompanets, the app KiteBoard falls under the Lifestyle category. The app is made available for both iOS and Android users. This app acts as a new digital refrigerator, where parents can place notes of things that they want their children to accomplish. This brings out good deeds in children. Kite tools is a collection of a whole ecosystem that lets users communicate with their children without any hassles.

The digital notice board can display anything like the tasks to be done, to-do lists, reminders, and so on. KiteBoard is a part of the Kite tools ecosystem that lets users better communicate with their kids. Parents will be able to give tasks to their kids like sharing a meme with me, exercising with me regularly, cleaning the room daily and limiting the time they spend before the screen, etc. 

Once the tasks are assigned to the child, you can give them coins that the child can earn as he completes them. All of the kite tools are designed for kids and parents. This makes it easier for us to do our responsibilities and stay with our children wherever they are. KiteBoard is one part of this and it has benefitted many parents all over the world. Earning the coins once he completes the task will motivate the child to do further. Once the child completes the task assigned, they can submit the proof by clicking the attach button. The proof can then be verified by the parent and confirmed or rejected to add the coins.

The app also has an exclusive KiteStore that allows parents to buy gifts for the kids as well. The rewards provided to the children serve as a great motivation and this helps the kid to play this game more enthusiastically. The team of kite tools are always open to suggestions and you can write to them on [email protected] in case you have any queries or want to send some feedback.

KiteBoard is completely free for download and comes with in-app purchases. Download the app today and take your first step towards responsible parenting with this digital bulletin board.

Worth Having App – Download the app