Date night? Need a break? Find the perfect sitter with NannyHunt!

by Nov 23, 2019General0 comments

Find full-time, part-time and backup babysitters easily on NannyHunt, available to download for free on iOS and Google Play now!

Whether you and your loved one want a date night but don’t have anybody to look after the children, or you simply need a helping hand with the kids when life gets hectic, finding a babysitter doesn’t have to be stressful.

Typically hiring a babysitter involves a lot of stress and anxiety. Do you trust this stranger to look after your children? Thankfully, NannyHunt harnesses the power of social media to provide you with a list of local babysitters who have been recommended, rated and reviewed by close friends and connections. Now you can see what others say about a sitter before you consider hiring them!

When you’ve found a potential sitter you can send them a job posting directly. Not sure who to hire? Post a job on the NannyHunt network and watch the applications roll in! You can fill out the job description, any duties you’ll need from your sitter, if you need them to be pet friendly etc. See the sitter’s hourly rate in advance and communicate using the in-app messenger to smooth out the details. It really is that simple!

For sitters, NannyHunt provides a LinkedIn style platform where you can find part-time or full-time jobs, connect with parents and generate some extra income. Reviews are given for parents and sitters, creating job transparency and a safe environment for everybody. You can fill out your bio, set your hourly rate in advance and get paid directly into your bank account. What’s more you can build stronger relationships with parents by communicating via the in-app messaging feature.

Download NannyHunt for free today on iOS and Google Play!