Web Application Reviews

Keeper – Create Happy and Healthy Families

Keeper – Create Happy and Healthy Families

Keeper is the globe's best family formation matchmaking service. Find someone who is ready for a relationship and meets your requirements. Filter for anything and only connect with people who have everything. AI and relationship science drive the technology, which is...

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Sociocs – Grow Your Business

Sociocs – Grow Your Business

Sociocs is a tool for your company's customer communication. It's a single shared inbox that includes Twilio SMS (including bulk messaging), Google Business Messages, Google Review Management, Telegram, WhatsApp Business, Website Forms, and the Click to Chat by...

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PocketGuard: Bills & Budget

PocketGuard: Bills & Budget

PocketGuard is a free budget planner and money manager app developed by PocketGuard, Inc. It is a great tool for people who want to stay on top of their finances and budgeting. It provides users with a comprehensive analysis of their spending habits and helps them to...

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Give the Gift of Life. Donate Blood

Give the Gift of Life. Donate Blood

Donating blood is one of the most selfless acts one can do and it has the potential to save many lives. With the Blood Donor App, you can easily find and donate blood in your area. It's a great way to help those in need while also doing something good for yourself. So...

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SPLIT: Retro Arcade

SPLIT: Retro Arcade

On Google Play, a wide variety of Android games still attempt to recreate the "Renaissance" of the retro age through the release of retro-inspired games or direct ports from arcade consoles. SPLIT: Retro Arcade is a game created by ThunderPunch Games that focuses on...

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Grow your business with Local SEO services

Grow your business with Local SEO services

A huge chunk of Google searches is local, meaning people are searching for businesses like yours close by. If you don't show up in the search results, you're potentially losing out on potential customers. Forget about missing potential customers and take advantage of...

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Split Around Tip Calculator

Split Around Tip Calculator

Are you looking for a way to quickly calculate your tip and split the bill when dining out or ordering food delivery? The Split Around Tip Calculator is the perfect tool for you! This calculator helps you easily calculate the amount of tip you should give and then...

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