Best Keyboard for multiple language support
Typewise’sgreatest feature is multiple language support and the developer has a ton of add-ons for various languages “In Switzerland, people speak four languages.Also in the US, there are a lot of people who also speak Spanish or Portuguese it’s simply a pain to switch keyboards. Our goal is to unify at least the main Western languages (English, Spanish/Portuguese, French, German) into one layout, without having any disadvantages for the English-only typers.”
There’s certainly no shortage of choice for alternative keyboards on Android or iOS,perhaps because no one alternative has been so successful as to kill off all the others when compared to Typewise.
- Instinctive gestures -Swipe up to capitalize a letter, swipe left to erase, or swipe to the right to restore. It’s as straightforward as that.
- Shrewd autocorrect -Quit getting irritated by wrong auto-corrections or silly expectations. Typewise realizes what you type and causes you to compose that ideal sentence. This makes it genuinely your custom console.
- 100% privacy -What you compose is close to home. That is the reason the console runs locally on your gadget and none of your composing information is communicated to the cloud. Different consoles require many authorizations to get to your schedule, contacts, records, GPS area, and substantially more.
- Communicates in your dialects -With Typewise you can write in the entirety of your dialects on the double. Typewise switches naturally. Browse 40+ dialects and type in the accents you truly need. Typewise underpins:
- English keyboard (United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada)
- Typewise underpins our honeycomb design (particularly for enthusiasts of Dvorak and Colemak console formats), conventional QWERTY, QWERTZ, AZERTY console designs (utilized by most console applications: Gboard, Swiftkey, Kika Keyboard, Go Keyboard, Grammarly, Fleksy, Chrooma, Cheetah Keyboard), and implanted emoticon console (emoticon, GIF console).
- Utilize their honeycomb design for typing with two thumbs with huge keys or keep the QWERTY layout

Get more with Typewise PRO
– Type in different dialects without exchanging
– Get customized word recommendations
– Additional 16 great topics (backdrops, foundation)
– Create your content substitutions (easy routes)
-Turn on key vibration and set the ideal power
– Turn on tablet mode
– Change emoticon style (emoticon console)
– Change text dimension (change textual styles)
– Change swiping conduct
– Change space button affectability
Supported devices
Typewise is optimized for smartphones with Android 6 (Marshmallow), 7 (Nougat), 8 (Oreo), 9 (Pie), and 10. Typewise is also a keyboard for iPhone