Popflake for iPhone

by Jun 14, 2016iPhone App Reviews0 comments

It is always pleasure watching movies but figuring out what to watch next is a difficult experience. Now this popular Popflake for iPhone app has made just easy for everyone. Endlessly scrolling through iMDB ratings and searching for movies on your laptop makes life difficult.

Popflake is trying to make the process so simple for all. You could tap a few of the things you like about movies and it comes up with relevant suggestions from its quality database of hand-tagged movies.

Popflake for iPhone

The appropriate suggestions are impressive and accurate. When I actually tried searching for a movie with the keywords like magic, crime and money, I got recommended Now You See Me, which makes good sense. Since every movie is manually tagged by the community the database isn’t very big yet, but for now it’s already amazing, quick way to kick starts your next movie night.

Altogether Popflake is your go to app when you wish to watch a movie. Whether you like to go to the cinema, stream a movie, rent or buy one. They offer an easy to use keyword search for you. It is possible to gently press the keywords that describe your mood, a country the movie should play in, a kind of plot or a general movie cadre. A good instance would be; horror, students and forest.

It is revealed that every movie in database is “hand-tagged”. This is why the database comprises not so many movies. There are many beneficial aspects of this app. The users could easily click on a keyword that sounds compelling. You could repeat until movies appear or you think the keywords describe what you want to watch.

Popflake for iPhone

A movie details view appears which presently comprise a movie rating top right corner, a simple way to share that movie with friends, the movie title, the year of the release and the movie age rating. You also experience a chat bubble in the middle of the screen under the movie title.