by Jan 27, 2023Web Applications0 comments

Are you really looking to stay ahead of the curve regarding stock market news and events? Following critical business people on Twitter can be a great way to get the inside scoop on the latest news that may affect stock prices.

Learning is essential for success, whether you are a professional investor or want to keep up with the stock market. By following the tweets of select business people, you can be among the first to learn about changes in the stock market, enabling you to act quickly and make informed decisions.

Be among the first to trade on stock market-changing tweets. You will receive an SMS or email whenever Elon Musk or another businessman tweets about stocks. custom filters can also clearly define keywords that must appear in tweets.

What should I do if I am not receiving tweet notifications?

There could be several reasons for this:

  • Because the Twitter account you’re following isn’t tweeting anything, there’s nothing to alert you about.
  • You are not tracking the account about which you are inquiring. Please check if the “Track” button is greyed out under your preferred Twitter account; if it is not greyed out, you must press it to activate the tracking.
  • There could be an issue with the SMS provider we’re using. In this case, don’t hesitate to contact us via email at “[email protected]” or by completing the form on the “Contact us” page.

Essentials Plan

Be the first to know when Elon Musk tweets about a topic that interests you via SMS or email.

Standard Plan

Be the first to know when Elon Musk or another selected businessman from our list tweets about a topic of interest to you via SMS or email.

Premium Plan

Track tweets from any three Twitter account and get everything the Essentials and Standard plans have.

Final Words

The developer of this app did an excellent job with core features. And, thanks to the lovingly designed concept, everything is packed with several essential elements for global users.

Web App: Tracksy