Washing your hands is a vital part of our everyday life. Washing your hands often makes sure that you do not contact any diseases. When germs get on to hands and are not properly washed off they tend to stick around and get passed on to other people. It is also important for people to learn the use of natural medicine every now and then. ‘Smart Health Care Protector: Best Health Care 2020’ is a mobile based app that helps you in maintaining and developing hygiene at home.
Developed by:
‘Smart Health Care Protector: Best Health Care 2020’ is created and offered for free on the internet by Dentysta.eu | lek. dent. Marcin Krufczyk.
How the app works:
Download and install the ‘Smart Health Care Protector: Best Health Care 2020’ app on your smart phone or other similar devices. Now launch the app on your phone and get to know how many people around your locality have unusual symptoms of fever and cold. You also get to learn how to use the things available at home as any natural medicinal remedy. The app uses the GPS in your phone to locate any person with fever or unusual symptoms in a 0.1 km to 5 km accuracy. Even when you go out this app becomes useful as you can know who are affected around you.
Features of the app:
‘Smart Health Care Protector: Best Health Care 2020’ app has many exciting features that are listed here.
- Useful when you go out during a pandemic to places like supermarkets, malls and other places
- Learn how to use kitchen items as natural medicine for any situations
- Gives you free hand care hygiene protection training
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