Website Builder – Review

by May 16, 2017Android App Reviews0 comments

Website Builder – With the internet fast becoming a global village and the most suitable and rewarding channel to share interests, hobbies and get more businesses; the need to have apps that will simplify every process of owning and managing a website is indeed essential as the traditional methods are fast becoming obsolete and tedious.

I. Concept

The Website Builder is a FREE app that allows you to create, maintain and build your presentation on your personal and/or professional website very quickly from your Android device (either a phone or a tablet).It is a one-stop solution that helps you publish your all platform responsive website in minutes. Your website will look the same on your computer as it is on your phone and your tablet; and it is highly customizable. Likewise, with Website Builder, you do not need a prior technical or website building knowledge. It allows you to tell your story and organize your content in your area of expertise without a fuse.

II. User Experience

There have been several positive reviews from the hundreds of users of the Website Builder app. The review ranges from compliments on how effective it is, to how easy to use and how much information needed to create a website it has. Most of its users with little or no knowledge on how to create and maintain a website all have success stories on how their website is up and running at no cost.The most soothing review is that they have a fast and supportive team who will help you out should you get stuck for whatever reason.

III. User Interface

The Website Builder app is specifically designed for Android devices, but it is an intuitive app that allows you to switch seamlessly between your android tablet, iOS device, and your PC device to continue working on your site with ease.The app has built-in tips to coach users, it is easy to understand and it provides free hosting for the websites. No coding required. It allows you to have up to 7pages of websites with galleries, contact form, the web, videos, social media buttons, Google map and more; all for no fee.

Worth Having App – Download the App