Just Remind App Review

by Jul 25, 2015Android App Reviews0 comments


There are various android reminder apps available in the market today and just as their name suggests, these app are used for reminding users of various pertinent appointments and events that they are scheduled to attend or participate in. Just remind is a simple comprehensive reminder app that is capable of bringing to the attention of the user various events, meetings, tasks and other such pertinent issues they might be required to attend to or undertake, whichever the case may be. The app allows the user to set specific times and dates that they will need to be reminded on various issues.

App concept

Just remind, like many other reminder apps features various functionalities that are tailored to ensure that the user’s attention is drawn to an important aspect that they need to attend to. The app offers support for various specific reminders such as phone call reminders where the user is required to make a phone call to a specified individual or organization, birthday reminders in case you are required to attend or participate in a birthday ceremony, anniversary and bill reminders among others.

One of the things that clearly stands out with respect to the just remind app is the speech-to-text support which implies that the user is not required to type a remainder. The app also features customizable repeat intervals whereby the user can set the reminder to repeatedly activate after a specified period of time which could be minutes hours, days, months or even years.

In addition to the customizable repeat intervals, there are other customizable options that constitute part and parcel of this vital android app. One such option is custom image in which the user selects an appropriate image for the set remainder. Besides the images, the user also has the luxury to select an appropriate ring or alarm tone that corresponds to specific reminders.


There are several aspects of the Just remind be app that indeed make it the ideal reminder app for android users. First and foremost, the app’s speech-text feature makes it convenient to use for all users and especially those who for one reason or the other, might not be in a position to type. Secondly, the various customization options available with the app implies that a user can program the app to suit their specific needs in terms of the images to use, the nature of remainder tones or even the repeat options.

There are also other additional options such as the LED support that executes LED flash lights in conjunction with the reminder ensuring that you are never in a position to miss the signal. The availability of smart options also serve to enhance the overall user experience with options such as smart bill reminders that will bring to your attention outstanding bills till the day they will be paid.


There are not many negative aspects of Just remind to write about perhaps the only major flaw is the fact that this app does not offer support for external ring tone or ring alarm sources.

All in all, Just remind is indeed one of the most reliable, comprehensive and yet simple to use reminder app available in the market today.